Thursday, February 12, 2015

2/12 Photograph A Favorite

Daisy in a Bouquet
2/12 Photograph a Favorite
Cherished / Favored / Adored

Today, I finally hit the prompt with a recommended subject. I didn't even know that the suggestion for today was going to be a flower, because, who has flowers right now in the top 1/2 of the states? Fortunately for me, I had bought a cheap bouquet yesterday and it has certainly come in handy for today's photos. I picked daisy as a favorite flower only because it grows like a weed in my gardens and it reminds me of summer. After another gray day ending with snow, it was nice to have the flowers to photograph. The macro lens was used and instead of a tripod, I used a book and breadboard, it worked! I worked on the low light photography with the bouquet by putting it in the bathroom with the only light through the door and the effect is nice.

I got caught up with the blog and for all four of you who read my blog, I apologize. It becomes hard when I am also knitting, somethings can't be multi-tasked. Maybe if I played less games? I can say that posting my photos keeps me busy and I am still learning functions on my camera and practice is so helpful to improve my skills.  Today, I woke up saying that I was going to get caught up and I did, plus, I made a loaf of bread. Planning an easy meal of chicken salad sandwiches and salad also gave me time to write. The problem is that I have to stay on task and get distracted by playing games, reading Facebook, watching tv or cleaning.
#43/365 Low light Flower Bouquet

Scenes around the feeder this afternoon (Another Distraction for me)

Obligatory Cat picture, Mini watching the birds.

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