Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The End of September

 Photographer Friend
9/27 Photograph a Friendly Face
Chummy / Affectionate / Loving

The directions for this prompt was to photograph a stranger, but I wasn't in the mood to include a stranger on my blog or in my 365 print book that I plan on making at the end of the year. This is a photo of my photographer friend T from our photo field trip up to the White Mountains and Maine earlier in the week. The picture that she took from this position is on her Zenfolio portfolio, click Here to see it. An awesome picture catching all the light and fog on Lake Winnipesaukee.

Close to the Clover- No Leprechauns!
9/28 Photograph Fairyland
Imagination / Fancy / Miniature

This was all about taking a picture with a lot of green in it up close and taking the exposure down 2/3s in manual to expose for the green. There I was sitting in my driveway to take this picture. I like the lighting of the clover with the brown leaf in the foreground. 

Prominent Black Eyed Susan
9/29 Photograph Prominent
Easily Seen / Standing Out / Noticeable

Leading lines was the composition suggestion for today's prompt and the petals of this flower lead the eyes to the center. In the garden right now, there are a few of these Black Eyed Susan's still looking good along with the Star flowers, Phlox and now the mums.  This mum is the product of planting one of the pots from another year. They don't have the tight buds that you see on the store bought flowers. If you don't cut these back, which I don't, then they get tall and gangly looking. However, a flower is a flower and I will take pictures of any flower!

Gray Foliage Day
9/30 Photograph Late
Laggin / Setting Sun / Slow

The prompt for today was suppose to take place at the end of the day in the golden hour, but there wasn't going to be a golden hour with the weather. The picture above is off prompt and boosted a bit in Lightroom 5 with a foliage preset. 

Today I went on another foliage photo ride, this time with my friend S and we drove through the Monadnock region. The weather was suppose to be clearer in the western part of the state, but it remained overcast and we made the best of the day. We had a route in mind, but kept more to the general direction heading south west through the state. We saw three very New England looking town centers with big white churches, old grave yards and even a town center decorated with scare crows. There were a few photo opportunities and we took advantage of being able to stop at anytime to take photos. And yes, I have to agree with the lady who stopped her car at one of the parks we were at to say, " You need a blue sky!".  But the benefit to an overcast day is that we didn't have to worry about shadows in our shots. 

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