Foreground- Rental chair and Umbrella ready for tourists
3/28 Photograph Foreground
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It appears to be a beautiful day for the beach until you look closely at the waves, it was a red flag day. R and I walked down to the beach, once I finally woke up this morning. We had a good 4 mile walk, leaving me with just 1 mile for my month goal of 60 miles for walking. Hoping for less wind tomorrow to go to the beach for awhile tomorrow.
Today, I spent 30 minutes at the eye glass store looking at new glasses, since my glasses were found slightly mangled in my aunt's driveway by my cousin's husband. ( Thank you L!) They were bent and the lens was popped out. My glass prescription was in the car and after figuring out who would cover my insurance, I was off to get a new pair. I hate buying glasses because I am never sure what is in style and what looks good with my face. I loved my glasses and after trying on a bunch, the woman helping me went and fixed my glasses! It was so sweet of her to fix the glasses when she could have easily sold me a new pair. That's what I call great customer service.
We golfed a quick nine and then back to the condo to get ready for company. We had roasted marinated pork loin, roasted red potatoes and steamed green beans along with a green salad. Dessert was a dessert buffet of angel food cake, strawberries, chocolate syrup, whip cream, brownies, ice cream and bran muffins. All delicious and we all pitched in for the meal and the cleaning. It's nice when we have company and have these large meals, very relaxing!
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