Reserved: Coneflower Blossom Winter Garden
1/16 Photography Reserved
Booked / Set Aside / Taken
A single coneflower plant was left standing in my front garden purposely for all of the reasons on today's photo. I was all over the place with this prompt, went to Pinterest for inspiration, took a few self portraits which I hated to do (some badly, some funny) and played with my new macro filters outside. A call to my mother helped me to pick the picture for the day when she told me to look up the definition of reserve. Once I read the definition, I remembered that the coneflower that I took about 10 shots was left in the garden when everything was cut back this fall to answer all the questions on the above photo. Thanks Mom!
I am taking an on-line Photoshop Elements class at The Perfect Picture School of Photography and the photo for today gave me the opportunity to use canvas resizing. The only editing I did for this picture was during the RAW processing of the photo. The snow was a great background for the flower.
Here were some of the other winter flower shots that I took today. The detail is good with the close up lenses, but I still need to practice as I feel like I am right on top of the flowers to get these shots.

Then I tried for some timer shots with the camera on a small "gorilla" tripod, since I was too lazy to get my big tripod out. That was an epic fail with many shots of me from my nose down.
And finally, I broke down and took the obligatory photographer in the mirror shot. After I cleaned off the toothpaste spatter, thank you son, I had some fun. I kind of like this one.
The header for the blog was just a trial last night and I promise it will be much better after I learn more from the class. I am not happy with how it turned out.
If I ever start working again, my picture taking will be greatly reduced. Not tomorrow though, off to the flume for a winter hike and then we are checking out the Ice Castle in Lincoln at dusk.
Good job, caught the concept