Mystery Trail of Tracks in Backyard
1/12 Photo Inspiration: Photograph Footprints
It was a late night for me to get to bed as I fell asleep on the couch waiting for my youngest to get home from his late inventory job. My husband and I had driven home at 10 PM, so I knew that the driving was foggy or icy based on whether you in on a hill or in a valley and wanted to make sure he got home okay. When my son came home around 2 AM, he and is brother decided that it was a good time to grill burgers and that's when I saw this line of tracks from our ice to the woods. Not sure what made them, deer, raccoon or even the dog next door, but it was a line of tracks and fit the day's photo prompt.
I wasn't sure how to take the shot and ended up with one above, but could have gone with this one taken from my kitchen window.
Taking pictures of snow is not easy as there are shadows and white problems. I am taking an on-line photo element class and hope to be able to edit those areas better. Looking at what I have taken for pictures this month, I am already at 60% winter shots. That's a good reflection of my daily life in January!

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