Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Hungry as a Bear

I think it's a sign of winter approaching, but I am as hungry as a bear lately. It's not like I am burning any calories, but boy, I hit the hospital cafeteria and everything looks good. Dinner time is just as bad, pick, pick, pick....Last year at this time I had just started Weight Watchers and it was slow and steady. Time for me to put the brakes on and get back to eating less and drinking more water.

I have the whole food as a reward thing going on and lazy as a cow munching on grass in the warm sun. Time to get up and move.........tomorrow.


  1. Hang in there girl and don't worry, the hunger will disappear!!! :)

  2. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Does hunger ever disappear? Like you, I keep planning to start that exercise. I'm just a procrastinator. I'm planning to think about starting an exercise plan.

  3. Yeah, me, too. Must be the time change.

  4. i find that if I stay home, i eat more. if I go out for a long walk, I eat less. I try to work on my hairpin lace crochet when home so don't have my hands free to eat!

  5. This is such a hard time of year for that all I want to do is eat and sit on the couch....I have to force myself to be motivated.

  6. I'm so with you. I have told myself that I will start tomorrow, then Saturday, then next week doing things like: eating properly and maybe moving my gluteus maximus more than just to get off the couch to change the channel! (Lost the remote.....!)
    Good luck and hang in there!!

  7. Anonymous10:13 PM

    i know just what you mean, i am sorry to say.

  8. 'Time to get up and move.........tomorrow.' Absolutely.


Any thoughts or musings of your own to add?