I haven't really started shopping. Got ideas, lots of them, but not much cash. Thanks to college tuition, increased property taxes and utility bills, we are cutting back. But why not? I think we have enough stuff for awhile. The boys are chipping in for a gaming computer and we are having it built locally, so that should keep them busy.
With the increases that everyone must be going through, I can't imagine that there will be that much being sold this year. Look for sales in January. Can we honestly say that we are better than we were five years ago.....umm, don't think so. Just look at the cost of health care and medical insurance, it's pretty scary. Especially the costs to have insurance, but it is necessary to have! In one week alone- $60 for two doctor visits, $106 for a skin prescription and $30 for two other prescriptions. Plus got an $80 bill for a doctor visit that we made to the ER to rule out a broken leg this past October. And we are basically healthy, how do other people do it? This is on top of over $300/month for health insurance.
Looks like a rant blog and so it is. Time to be light hearted--> Check out this site and amaze your friends with your religious sense of humor: Church Sign Generator
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