Leaves in a Row
3/24 Photograph A Line
In a Row / The Usual Suspects / Organized

Keeping the lines in a photo is a challenge for me, especially when I look at the horizon in pictures that I have previously taken. In the photoshop element class, this was the most common fix that the instructor did on my photos. I was off to the beach today after my "senior" zumba class for a quick walk to get in some miles while also looking for my daily photograph opportunity. The picture from today was taken in the sand dunes and I was able to use it without having to straighten the line. It helps that in both iPhoto and Photoshop elements, there are tools that can be used to straighten a picture based on a straight line which should be straight. Which I did have to do for the photo on the left, using the horizon as my line to straighten the picture. The sky really wasn't that blue today on the beach, we had overcast skies which scared away many people from the beach. The usual walkers, runners, shell seekers and fisherman were out on the sand, but not many sunbathers.

I thought I would find a line of birds, but only solitary birds were about. No lines or organization for bird pictures today. I wish that my camera battery hadn't died while I was heading back, since there was a sea gull who was very possessive of the dead fish that it was devouring. The gull took the fish and brought it into the water as I walked by. As if I would want to take the fish away. It would have made a good picture.

I played it safe and drove up to the beach in case it rained. The first thing that I saw on the beach was this remnant of a sand castle without any kids around. Not a very straight line with the towers built in a row. It wasn't a very good choice for today's picture, but I liked how desolate it appeared without anyone around playing. I miss those days of my kids making their castles with the road leading to the ocean for the waves to come up and wash it away. Truth be told, they used to call it "poo poo" castle, I don't know why, they're boys. Even when we went to York Beach at the end of August in 2003 when they were older and the shovels and pails were long gone from their summer toys, they were building a sand castle, with their bare hands along with their Dad. Good times.
EFFECTIVE. glad the tissues are close