Wednesday, January 29, 2014


 Active: Dad Getting his Daily Exercise in

1/29 Photography Lively

Energetic / Active / Bubbly

This morning while still in bed staying under the covers to keep warm at my parent's house, I read the emailed prompt for today and was stumped. How the heck do I photograph active at their house? It's not like there are little kids/dogs/kittens running around, I've got my parents and they're not running out the door to get their jogging done before breakfast. My hope for active was to ask my Dad to get on the bike before he normally does his exercise. He hopped on and I got a couple of shots with this being the best one. Although, he looks a bit "chilled" just pedaling, but at least he is doing something active. 

It was a good idea to get an active photo at my parent's because at home, my cats were not in the active mode and this was the best that I could get. Energetic and active can only be used for these cats when food is involved.

While in Massachusetts, I went to a high point in my hometown and took some pictures of the Boston skyline to practice a panorama shot for my photoshop elements class. After reviewing the photos, there's too much sun flare in my lens to use them for the assignment, but I played with this shot below to get some color back in the sky. 

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