Wednesday, April 07, 2010

The Weather Gods are Loving New England

I don't know what we did to deserve it, but we have had the best weather ever for early April here in NH. (Better weather than the entire month of June last year)
Last Saturday night, my husband planned a surprise birthday party and I don't think I have ever worn Capris to my birthday. It was a pleasant evening and felt like it was a summer party, even with a bonfire outside with tiki lights.
50 years old now and it's amazing to look back on all the technology and changes that have occurred. Even just looking back on 10 years, one goes through so many changes with career, family and friendships. Here's to the next couple of decades, I hope that they are just as interesting as the first 5 decades.

1 comment:

  1. Didn't you know it was a special birthday present I sent you!!!!!!!! Ü lol

    Many happy returns to the day of they birth.
    May sunshine and gladness be given.
    May God n His mercy prepare you on earth
    For a beautiful birthday in heaven!

    It's cold again like winter here after having soem nice weather for three or more weeks.


Any thoughts or musings of your own to add?